上帝做每樣野都有原因. 上帝俾Bill Gate李嘉誠甘有錢, 係因為上帝知道佢地有能力去改變世界. Negative people will only attract negative things and people into their lives. So from now on, THINK positively!!!
God, 30歲人咋, 唔好話到自己好老餅甘啦! 加油呀, 傻佬. You have to believe in yourself 先得!!有時間, 睇下"secrets"呢本書啦.
Well, "我無屋仔,無老婆仔,無車仔,最大鑊係無人仔" 好多八十後都同你一樣啦, 唔駛甘灰嘅. 每個人都有用嘅, 只係你未揾到你自己唧. 你要相信自己可以改變世界, 你先至有能力改變世界!
回覆刪除上帝做每樣野都有原因. 上帝俾Bill Gate李嘉誠甘有錢, 係因為上帝知道佢地有能力去改變世界. Negative people will only attract negative things and people into their lives. So from now on, THINK positively!!!
God, 30歲人咋, 唔好話到自己好老餅甘啦! 加油呀, 傻佬. You have to believe in yourself 先得!!有時間, 睇下"secrets"呢本書啦.