答:英文有 It is easy to be wise after the event(事後聰明十分容易)這句成語,第七版《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》 wise條下譯做「馬後砲」。又「先見之明」英文叫 foresight,從之而來的反義詞就叫 hindsight,即「後見之明」,也是「馬後砲」的意思,例如:( 1)"You went wrong when you agreed to the plan." "It is always easy to be wise after the event."(「你當時不該贊同這個計劃。」「放馬後砲,誰人不會。」)( 2) I have no use for your hindsight(我不要聽你的馬後砲)。
問: Teenagers often go to extreme and unreasonable lengths in a bid for losing weight(十來歲的男女,為了減肥,往往不惜一切,難以理喻)這一句,我的英文老師改為 in a bid to lose weight。兩個說法有什麼分別?又 in a bid和 in an attempt意思相同嗎?
答: Bid作名詞,本來指「出價」,但新聞界常用 bid字來指「(爭取某些事物的)努力」,和 attempt或 effort同義。這個意思的 bid在新聞標題裏尤其常見,例如:( 1) Democrats' Bid for Government Favour(民主黨向政府求寵)。( 2) Gaddafi's Desperate Bid to Remain in Power(卡達非拚命要保住政權)。
In a bid之後,可用 for帶出名詞,也可用 to帶出動詞。讀者示下那一句, for之後用動名詞( gerund) losing,文法可算沒有錯,但用 to帶出原形動詞( infinitive) lose,比用動名詞自然得多。他的英文老師取 to lose而不奪 for losing,應該就是這個道理。