

康泰旅行團馬尼拉慘案連日電子及平面傳媒報導不絕,也沒有特別好說的餘地,當本地,內地,台灣……各大小報章以「城殤」作頭條,專題之際,發生慘劇的馬尼拉……在香港機場 LOUNGE準備飛台北匆匆瞄到一份當地大報〈 MANILA BULLETIN〉 8月 24號頭條新聞……旅遊車射殺事件在下半部,上半部你道是啥新聞?環球小姐在佛羅里達選舉;菲律賓小姐打入前十名,燦爛笑容一眾小姐華衣美服佔去頭版上半部。


本來認為不幸事件發生是天嫁橫禍只嘆一聲不幸。那是兇手一人的事跟菲律賓,馬尼拉及她們的人民無關,更不應將矛頭指向居港菲傭。但看過〈 MANILA BULLETIN〉的頭版選美會照片後,嘆息這個以選美活動為榮,以曾經做過美國殖民地身份比其他亞洲人高一等為榮的國度着實可恨!




前幾天,左丁山前輩和青姐在專欄不約而同談到香港樓價泡沫的問題;英雄所見略同,他們都將矛頭直指聯繫滙率。世民不敢說他們的觀點有甚麼不對。畢竟,那是經濟學的 ABC,兩位高手的說法更加是經濟學課本的標準答案。可是,如果單單因為樓價貴便要廢除這個行之有效的機制,恐怕最終結果會更糟糕。事實上聯滙存在 27年,對香港功勞遠比大家所見更深。將港元升值 非人人受惠「穩定嘛!當年香港有前途問題,人人都不信港紙,當然要聯滙。可是,今天香港已經沒有前途問題,而且背靠祖國……(刪三千字)人民幣也快要成為世界第三大貨幣,聯滙這過渡期產品,應該要廢除。」以上這段話,不是甚麼人所講,卻是大家都似曾相識的讀白。世民稱這種觀點做「貨幣實用主義」。貨幣實用主義,就是認為只要拿揑得好,可以透過調節貨幣供應,令到社會上人人生活愉快,美滿幸福。可惜,這種想法最大的矛盾,就是沒有明白到,一樣米養百樣人。沒有樓的,當然會覺得上車艱難,可是,為了讓他們成為業主,便去將港元升值,結果真的是人人受惠嗎?如果由聯滙變成自由浮動,那還可以說得過去;可是要是人為地將港元升值,那麼政府便要問責了。先撇開那些因為樓價下跌而引發的骨牌效應,那些因港元升值而盈利不保的人,又可以怎樣呢?將滙率拉上補下,是一種零和遊戲,有人歡喜自然有人愁。難道,政府又成立一個甚麼基金,去補償因港元升值而受損失的人嗎?過去 20多年,雖然香港的物價比較顛簸,但總體環境還算可以。貨幣宏觀調控,搞得不好破壞力可以很大,你會願意將這工具交給朝三暮四的特區政府嗎?


Charles Shoebridge: Ten things the Philippines bus siege police got wrong

A security analyst who has worked in counter-terrorism with the British Army and Scotland Yard, Charles Shoebridge, says the officers involved in Manila's bus siege showed great courage - but they were not properly trained or equipped for the task.

Here are 10 areas where, in his view, they could have done better.

1. Determination

The first officers who tried to storm the bus were driven out by gunshots from the hostage taker, former policeman Rolando Mendoza. "They showed great courage to go on board. It's very crowded, just one aisle down the middle of the bus. But once you get on board it's not unexpected you are going to be fired at. Squads like this have to be made up of very special people, specially trained and selected for their characteristics of courage, determination and aggression. In this case they acted as 99% of the population would have, which was to turn round and get out. They didn't seem to have the necessary determination and aggression to follow the attack through."

2. Lack of equipment

The police spent a long time smashing the windows of the bus, whereas explosive charges (known as frame charges) would have knocked in windows and doors instantly. "They had no ladders to get through the windows. They smashed the windows but didn't know what to do next," Mr Shoebridge says. "They almost looked like a group of vandals." Their firearms were also inappropriate - some had pistols, some had assault rifles. Ideally they would have carried a short submachine gun, suitable for use in confined spaces.

3. Lost opportunity to disarm the gunman

Mendoza's gun was not always raisedThere were numerous opportunities to restrain the gunman, Mr Shoebridge believes. "The negotiators were so close to him, and he had his weapon hanging down by his side. He could have been disabled without having to kill him."

4. Lost opportunity to shoot the gunman

The video of the drama also shows there were occasions when the gunman was standing alone, during the course of the day, and could have been shot by a sharpshooter. "You are dealing with an unpredictable and irrational individual. The rule should be that if in the course of negotiations an opportunity arises to end the situation decisively, it should be taken," Mr Shoebridge says. Either this possibility did not occur to the officers in charge, he adds, or they considered it and decided to carry on talking.

5. Satisfying the gunman's demands

"I wondered why the authorities just didn't give in to all of his demands," says Charles Shoebridge. "A promise extracted under force is not a promise that you are required to honour. Nobody wants to give in to the demands of terrorists, but in a situation like this, which did not involve a terrorist group, or release of prisoners, they could have just accepted his demands. He could be reinstated in the police - and then be immediately put in prison for life for hostage taking." The Philippines authorities did in fact give in to the gunman's demands, but too little, too late. One message promised to review his case, while he wanted it formally dismissed. A second message reinstating him as a police offer only arrived after the shooting had started.

6. Televised proceedings

The gunman was able to follow events on television, revealing to him everything that was going on around him. This was a "crucial defect in the police handling", Mr Shoebridge says. He adds that police should always consider putting a barrier or screen around the area, to shield the scene from the cameras and keep the hostage taker in the dark.

7. No element of surprise

It was clear to the gunman what the police were doing at all times, not only because the whole incident was televised, but also because they moved "laboriously slowly", Mr Shoebridge says. The police did not distract him, so were unable to exploit the "crucial element of surprise".

8. Safeguarding the public

This boy, a bystander, was hit by a stray bulletAt least one bystander was shot, possibly because the public was allowed too close. The bullet from an M16 rifle, as carried by the gunman, can travel for about a mile, so preventing any risk of injury would have been difficult, Mr Shoebridge says, but a lot more could have been done. "When you saw the camera view from above, it was clear there was little command and control of the public on the ground," he says.

9. Using the gunman's brother to negotiate

Relatives and close friends can be a double-edged sword, Mr Shoebridge says. While they may have leverage over the hostage taker, what they are saying cannot be easily controlled. In this case, the gunman's brother was included in the negotiations - however, at a certain stage he became agitated and police started to remove him from the scene. The gunman saw this on television, and became agitated himself. According to one report he fired a warning shot.

10. Insufficient training

In some parts of the Philippines, such as Mindanao, hostage taking is not an uncommon occurrence, so the country has some forces that are well trained in the necessary tactics. The detachment involved in Monday's incident clearly was not, says Mr Shoebridge. After smashing the windows, one of the officers eventually put some CS gas inside, though "to what effect was not clear" he says. A unit involved in this work, needs to be "trained again and again, repeatedly practising precisely this kind of scenario," he says.



一致批評 : 香港媒體對於這次菲律賓警方的營救手段與效率,幾乎是一致進行了批評。




中國近年各地不斷發生強行拆遷事故,被強拆者到北京上訪、自焚、自製燃燒彈等情節頻頻發生。以下是一個美國釘子戶的真實故事,可與中國的拆遷相對照。西雅圖有個老太太,叫 Edith Macefield, 1966年買下一個兩層樓的房子。 2007年,開發商計劃在那地帶建造商業樓,徵地拆遷進行順利。但到了老太太這裏,卡住了。老太太的房子比她更老, 108歲了。老太太已經在這個設備齊全的舒適居處住了 40餘年,對一切都很有感情了,不願搬離。開發商一次又一次地提高賠償金額,最高達到 100萬美元,超過市值好幾倍。根據市值,老太太的房子的地皮值 12萬,房子值 8千。老太太不為所動。《西雅圖時報》採訪她。她說,「我不想搬。我不需要錢。錢並不意味着一切。」開發商無可奈何,只得修改圖紙,商業大樓忍痛挖掉了老太太的這一塊地方。開發商絕對不可能像中國那樣動用推土機強行拆除,只能繞着走。據報導,老太從小就很固執,開發商好像很理解這種固執。工程項目的最高總監巴里.馬丁甚至關心起老太太的生活。老太太孤身一人,唯一的兒子早在 13歲時就死於腦膜炎。人們也不知道她已去世的丈夫的情況。她很堅決地擋回此類問題:「不要問」。馬丁得知老太太行走不便,就開車送她去做頭髮,看病。他確保她有食品,去為她買雜貨,為她去拿處方藥,為她做晚飯。開工了,他對工人說,要像對外婆一樣對待她。2008年 6月 15日, 86歲的老太太因胰腺癌離開人世。那一天,那房子依然是她的房子。媒體披露了她的遺囑:她將房子遺贈給了馬丁,以感謝他在開工期間對她體現出來的友誼。





他說警方一直以為曾擔任菲律賓警務處前高級督察的門多薩(Rolando Mendoza)仍有理智心態,因此希望通過談判解決問題。




CMG,菲律賓無Sniper咖,連記者都影到個癲佬咁大塊面,仲要好幾次,一槍就應該KO佢,令到兩人客死異鄉。D警察仲走去打窗話俾佢聽我入嚟啦,好彩個條友唔係赤柬,如果唔係,全車都死晒,阿基諾三世你聽日洗乾淨你個八月十五,預左開花。RIP 兩位團友,最新消息:四名人質死亡